The Journey
Amidst an increasingly volatile landscape, Nigeria grapples with a complex set of challenges. Often, in the heart of its bustling cities and rural expanses, risks remain unseen, waiting to disrupt lives and businesses. The question has been asked repeatedly: How can Nigeria harness its abundance of human and natural resources in a way that ensures security and prosperity for all?
The Answer?
Risk Control Services
The founders of Risk Control Services recognized the fragmented approach to Nigeria’s security challenges and were driven to create a solution. Drawing on a network of professionals, we embarked on a mission to transform security management. We moved beyond the traditional, narrow focus on guard management, starting with a cutting-edge background screening platform that digitized records and introduced a rapid certificate verification portal, setting a new industry standard.
From these beginnings, Risk Control has expanded into security consulting, protective intelligence, and corporate investigations utilizing polygraph examination and computer forensics.
Driven by a vision to bridge the gap between data and real-world needs, the Nigeria Risk Index (NRI) was developed to empower travelers and investors with an understanding of the real risks they face while conducting business in Nigeria. By utilizing advanced data analytics and interactive risk mapping, NRI provides real-time security intelligence tailored to each region of Nigeria.
Together, our services provide a multi-layered approach to understanding and addressing risks in Nigeria.
Our Toolbox
Comprehensive Security Solutions
A real-time background screening portal that eliminates paper-intensive manual processes.
Comprehensive intelligence tool offering in-depth threat assessments across Nigeria’s diverse regions.
Risk Control Academy
A cutting-edge learning management system (LMS) powering our certification and bit-size training programs.
Security management portal for automating administrative tasks.
Nigeria Risk Index
Began as a quest to understand Nigeria’s unique security dynamics and grown into a tool that empowers strategic insights into Nigeria's security environment
Comprehensive Database
Six years of detailed security incidents data since 2018.
Daily Updates
Information from open sources, authenticated by our investigative team.
Interactive Features
Charts and data exploration for informed decision-making.
State-wise Reports
Nuanced insights into each region's security posture.
Meet Our Experts: Leadership in Security
Olugbenga Jegede
Expert with background in intelligence and industrial security.
Olufemi Ajayi
Founder with extensive experience in government and private sector security.
Vision for the Future
As we look ahead, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of risk intelligence. By combining innovation with expertise, we strive to build a safer, more secure Nigeria—one where businesses and individuals can thrive with confidence.
Continuous Improvement
Constantly refining our tools and intelligence.
Local Expertise
Providing unmatched insights into Nigeria's security challenges.
Empowering Organizations
Helping businesses navigate Nigeria's dynamic terrains safely.